I have a confession to make, Brian and I have been keeping a huge secret for the past month. Remember at the end of November when I told you about our four year anniversary celebration? Well, I left out one huge detail; Brian proposed. WE ARE ENGAGED!

As we began decorating our Christmas tree that day, I was sorting through the ornaments when Brian asked “when did we get this one?” I turned around and to my surprise, saw him down on one knee with a ceramic ornament in the shape of a gift box in his hand. He opened it up and inside was a stunning diamond ring. Brian popped the question and you can obviously guess what my answer was.

Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Tiffany Engagement Surprise | www.borncreativeblog.com

Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Tiffany Engagement Surprise | www.borncreativeblog.com

We have kept our engagement a secret for the past month because we wanted to surprise our immediate family for the holiday. And, we sure did. We worked our announcement into Christmas gifts; over the past month we’ve been purchasing gorgeous 5×7 picture frames and together we designed a faux insert that reads “PLACE OUR WEDDING PHOTO HERE”.

Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Tiffany Engagement Surprise | www.borncreativeblog.com

(Yes, we already have created a website and hashtag for ourselves.)

We wrapped these frames in a striking silver paper and handed them out to our loved ones toward the end of our gatherings. The reactions we received ranged from smiles and laughter to screaming, confusion, and crying. We secretly recorded all of the reactions and here are just a couple shots of the moment everyone realized we were engaged. (A full video is coming soon!)

Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Engagement Reactions

Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Engagement Reactions

I’m so excited to finally be sharing this news with you, it’s been torture not telling anyone this past month. Although, it has been wonderful sharing the excitement with only each other until now. With the wedding being a little less than 2 years away, we’ve got a lot of planning to do. I will absolutely be looping you in on this journey and can’t wait to marry my best friend!

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful holiday!

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Born Creative
Tis’ the Season for a Surprise
Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Tiffany Engagement Surprise | www.borncreativeblog.com
Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Tiffany Engagement Surprise | www.borncreativeblog.com
Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Tiffany Engagement Surprise | www.borncreativeblog.com
Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Engagement Reactions
Tis' the Season for Surprises | Brian & Michelle Engagement Reactions
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