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If you’re anything like me, you always find yourself busy or thinking of exciting new ideas. It’s great to be a hard-working individual, but it becomes increasingly difficult to find time to do other relaxing things that you love. Making time for yourself is SO important and this is a Monday morning reminder to do something that you truly enjoy this week!

Making Time for Yourself when you have a busy schedule

My design job and blogging are things that I’m extremely passionate about, but lately it feels that both are taking over my life. There are so many other hobbies I have that are relaxing and stress-relieving, but I’ve found myself constantly saying that I don’t have time for those things right now. This is a huge problem. I’ve been over-working myself and haven’t felt rewarded, which ultimately can lead to feeling depressed, stressed, and unworthy.

If you ever start feeling this way, like I have been, it’s important to take a step back and remember what is important. You are the most important part of your life and you need to take care of yourself. What is it that you need right now? If you need to de-stress, carve an hour out of your day to exercise or paint. If you need to boost your self-confidence take the time to pamper yourself. Try to dedicate an hour out of each day, if your schedule allows it, to do something you truly love and need (even if it’s catching up on your TV shows).

Making time for yourself and doing something that you love

This week I’m planning on taking some time to do something I really miss; illustrating. I’m excited to tune out life’s craziness for a little bit and focus on something that makes me feel at peace. Even if I only get to do this for half an hour each day, by the end of the week I might have something to share with you!

How are you planning on enjoying ‘you time’ this week? Share in the comments!

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