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Oct 9,2015

Welcoming the Autumn Atmosphere

Welcoming the Autumn Atmosphere

Even though Autumn has officially been in season for several weeks now, we’re just starting to feel it’s effects in Rhode Island. Jackets are being worn, apples are ready to be picked, and the leaves are beginning to turn beautiful auburn colors. While... read more

Oct 7,2015

Top 5 Tea Varieties & Health Benefits

Top 5 Tea Varieties & Health Benefits

Fall is the coziest season of all and there isn’t anything better than cuddling up with a warm drink. But in a world full of pumpkin spice latte’s, tea is often forgotten. Tea is one of the healthiest and most naturally delicious drinks you can choose to... read more

Oct 5,2015

How To Become a Morning Person

How To Become a Morning Person

Do you wake up each morning and immediately need to drink a cup of coffee? If you’re not a natural morning person, that’s okay! There is another way to wake up feeling energized, focused, and ready for the day. This method is simple and free; the only thing you need... read more

Oct 2,2015

Roasted Butternut Squash Quesadillas

Roasted Butternut Squash Quesadillas

The flavor of Fall certainly seems to be pumpkin each and every year. However, there is another gourd that is excellent for cooking with during these crisp months; butternut squash. This seasonal squash is a great addition to many dishes like soups, risottos, pies and... read more

Sep 30,2015

Fall Freebie | Pumpkin Typography Print

Fall Freebie | Pumpkin Typography Print

Can you believe that October begins tomorrow? It feels as if we were just making our goals for the new year! Although, I’m not complaining since I do believe this is the most wonderful time of the year. With pumpkins on the front porch, apple-scented candles... read more

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