Dec 3,2014

The ULTIMATE Build Your Own Burger

The ULTIMATE Build Your Own Burger

What kind of gift do you buy someone who is obsessed with burgers and loves to build toy contrstuction sets? That was the question I was posed with as my three year anniversary with Brian approached. The answer was simple, something so unique that you can’t buy... read more

Dec 1,2014

FREEBIE – December 2014 Calendar

FREEBIE – December 2014 Calendar

Happy December! It is officially acceptable to get into the holiday spirit (even though I’ve been ready since mid-November). I’m very excited to announce that in honor of the season of giving I’ll be releasing freebies throughout the month. To start... read more

Nov 17,2014

The 5 Fall Essentials

The 5 Fall Essentials

In New England, Autumn is in full swing. With a chill in the air and beautiful foliage it’s time to whip out the must-haves to stay cozy and warm. While there’s the traditional oversized sweaters and scarves, I’ve compiled a list of my top 5 fall... read more

Oct 22,2014

Gone Girl Book Review

Gone Girl Book Review

When I am not working, I am most likely reading. I’m constantly asked to recommend a good book for others to enjoy. When relaying my suggestions, I think it’s also important to point out what books to absolutely avoid too. This past weekend I read Gone... read more

Oct 15,2014

Knock-off Pottery Barn Wire Pumpkins

Knock-off Pottery Barn Wire Pumpkins

We can all agree that Pottery Barn has some gorgeous decorations. If you’re like me, you would never pay their prices though. I’m always on the look out for knock-off Pottery Barn items and my most recent find has to be my favorite thus far. I recently... read more

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Born Creative
The ULTIMATE Build Your Own Burger
FREEBIE – December 2014 Calendar
The 5 Fall Essentials
Gone Girl Book Review
Knock-off Pottery Barn Wire Pumpkins
Born Creative Blog Founder & Graphic Designer Michelle Gray
Wedding Planning